Lindsay St. James
Yearbook Photo
Vital statistics
Full Name Lindsay Fanny St. James
Gender Female
Birthday Feb. 16, 2024
Residence Lima, Ohio (she lives alone)
Nationality American Jewish
Family Jesse St. James (father)
Rachel St. James nee Berry (mother)
Emily St. James (sister)
Relationships Adam Creek (current boyfriend, in love with)
Friends Payson Evans (best friend)
Joseph Puckerman
Marissa Puckerman
Enemies Unknown
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Dark Brown
Height 5"2
Other Information
Sexuality Straight
Education William McKinley High School
Strengths Performing Arts
Weaknesses Getting tattoos
Vulnerabilities Pain in her arm
Nicknames Linds
Lindsay Fanny (only by parents)
Occupations Student
Singer at Breadstix
Portrayer Lea Michele

Lindsay St. James is the daughter of Jesse and Rachel. She is a captain in Glee club, and normally, featured Soloist. Lives alone in Lima, Ohio. Has a boyfriend.

Early Life

Lindsay was born in Manhattan, New York. Raised as a New Yorker, she watched her parents on broadway. Although her dad is not Jewish, she choose to be Jewish (like her friend, Joseph Puckerman). She has a Star of David necklace that her mother gave her, and wears it every Hannukah. She grew to the point where she takes care of herself, causing her to leave her family due to be neglected and ignored.

Freshman Year

Lindsay first moved to Lima, Ohio when she was a Freshman. She was very active in school events, and, is part of Glee Club. She has high-marks, and is often seen helping out Student Council. She once was in Drama Club, but, decided to have her club time focused on Glee. She auditioned for Glee Club with the song "Taking Chances" by Celine Dion.

Current Life

She is currently a sophomore attending McKinley high in Lima, Ohio. She is dating a Dalton Academy Warbler, Adam Creek, whom she met during the summer. She spends Hanukah with Joseph, Emily, and Marissa, and Christmas with her parents (something Emily doesn't participate in).


She has long brown hair, brown eyes, and, a small figure. She is 5"2, and weighs 98 lbs.


Lindsay is a city girl, not a diva. She quite enjoys solos, but, loves the city. She is very sweet, but, lovestruck.


Lindsay's greatest talent is singing. She can dance and act. Also is an amazing artist.


  • Very close to her mother.
  • Is a proud Jewish, and is proud of her nose (which is huge).
  • Has been slushied several times.
  • Has a wide range (C2-C8)
  • Hates Greek food.
  • Allergic to pumpkin.
  • Has 12 tattoos (it hurts every time she gets a new one).
  • Every time Adam kisses her, she suddenly faints.
  • Loves broadway, and, while in school, has participated in various plays.

